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Dove of Peace Menorah


The Dove appearing with an olive branch to signal the receding flood waters has long been a symbol of hope and peace. In this menorah the dove is featured perched atop a rainbow. Both are painted in beautiful pastel tones and generously embellished to create a rich centerpiece. Two brass columns on each side support a large flower with a marble core. The intricate design is hand painted within the stainless steel frame. A variety of materials are inserted within and layered with artist’s resin. The Menorah parts are cut to perfectly fit and are assembled using no welding or glue resulting in a beautifully finished piece.

Artist: seeka
Seeka means pin or brooch in Hebrew. The Seeka studio was established in January of 1997...

Dove of Peace - Menora

About The Product

Dove of Peace Menorah


Price: $430
Dimensions Inch: 0 / 0
Weight: 0
tzfat gallery tzfat gallery 12 caro street, old city Tzfat, Israel 13102  Tel: 04-6921919,  Fax: 04-6921919    Tour Wise  Web Site   מצגות